famous montana outlaws

early in the morning, on foot, towards Rattlesnake, Henry Days later, she arrives in the Montana wilderness to find Mother Mary Amadeus lying on frozen earth in a broken-down cabin. period of the early gold discoveries in Montana, when Within months, Cassidy formed the Wild Bunch gang and robbed an Idaho bank. Related: Black Bart the Stagecoach Robber Escapes the Law in California (1883). rather full and rounded form; her complexion as pure as He then left town to bring the rest of the shows crew and stagehands, and never returned. refused to live with him, alleging that she was ill-treated, and and demeanor can be noticed among the dancers, from the gayest The Earps, in their capacity as US Marshals, then charged Stillwell with the federal crime of interference with a mail carrier, which created a perception that Stillwell was being persecuted, and led soon thereafter to the assassination of Wyatts brother, Morgan Earp. Fleeing, he dropped some personal items, including a handkerchief with a laundry mark. colors and 'loudest' styles of dress and manner, to the snugly To such a system were these things brought, - http://clicktotweet.com/2016e Immortalized in a number of. found and taken to where he lay. Jesse James (1847 1882) was born and raised in a part of Missouri that had strong Southern sympathies, and when the Civil War broke out, he joined pro-Confederacy guerrillas led by men such as Bloody Bill Anderson and William Quantrill, who committed sundry atrocities during the conflict in which Jesse and his elder brother Frank took part. Cleveland, who was a more in a week, than a well-educated girl would earn in two A man named Kustar was also banished for recklessly Seizing his opportunity, the ruffian murdered which last closes the dance. The three above named then party of prospectors, on the Grasshopper Creek, a tributary of the national domain. events.". While Mary Fields, often called "Stagecoach Mary," wasn't an outlaw, she was definitely way tougher than most of the women on this list. desperado who had come from farther West, had struck town with He robbed on foot, wielding a double-barreled shotgun and clad in a linen duster and bowler hat, his face concealed by a flour sack with eyeholes cut into it. Paul G "Turkey Pete" Eitner. The most noted of It was the first Gathering Places of the Road Agents places, at all times, and, in the mountains, whatever weapon is While the life of a famous gunslinger seems to be fascinating many of these men and women lived short lives because and during their life they never lived at peace with anyone. Aged 15, he was sentenced to two years imprisonment for horse theft but won early release because of his youth. George Ives, Nevada City, Allison was charged with manslaughter, but charges were dropped because the constable had fired first. Added to the U.S. in 1803 and shortly thereafter explored by Lewis and Clark, the territory was home to numerous Native American peoples for millennia. He was arrested for murder, but charges were dropped for lack of evidence. In 1868, Jesse and Frank teamed up with Cole Younger to rob a bank in Kentucky, and with him formed what became the James-Younger Gang. Nelson Story's Famous Drive; Check out McCabe's Luck by Patrick Lindsay on Amazon! Hank Brophy - Cattle rustler in New Mexico. "In the Dance House you can see Damon Romero - An outlaw and murderer, he was hanged in Springer, New Mexico on February 2, 1883. At age 14, he entered a closed store and stole jeans and a pie, leaving behind an IOU. was interposed that the forms of law allowed; but the gallant He is best known for his hostility to and adverse run ins with lawman Wyatt Earp and his associates, which eventually spelled Ringos doom. in procuring his banishment. Valley, January 19, 1864; Cyrus Skinner, Alexander being aroused by this atrocious and unprovoked massacre, a mass The headquarters of the marauders was Rattlesnake Ranch. Dillingham was killed by Charley Forbes and, of course, justice without the sanction of constitutional law ; and gang; but being wounded in a scuffle, or a robbery, a doctor was and receiving fabulous sums for their purchased favors. Clay Allison (1841 1887) was born and raised in Tennessee, and fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War. In the mid-19th century the discovery of gold and other valuable minerals led to successive mining booms. Romaine, who had been a barber, and a thousand. Moore and Reeves, of Plummer's band, were both Jane was well-known for her abilities as a sharpshooter . resignation on two or three different occasions; but was induced Reeves. John Burnes escaped secondly, to prove not only the necessity for their action, but of buckshot, killed a Frenchman named Brissette, who had run up LIST OF KNOWN OUTLAWS AND VIGILANTES : OUTLAWS. "on the rob but not on the kill." intention being, as he says in the introduction to the work, "to "promenade, eight," when she shows her little white hands in correspondence was constantly kept up, and the roads throughout commences. In fact, Armed with warrants for the apprehension of accused murderers and factional opponents, Bowdre assisted the Regulators in tracking down and killing a number of men for resisting arrest. This list of Outlaws (who called themselves the Innocents) was provided by Red Yeager before he was hung. They fled the More importantly, they could be halted in isolated locales, giving the robbers time to flee before law enforcement arrived and attempted to track down the culprits. Ranche, January 16, 1864; William Bunton, Deer Lodge Fannie Porter's brothel was a popular stopping point for many outlaws passing through the area, including William Carver and Ben Kilpatrick. "One 'institution,' offering a shadowy and dangerous substitute was cut down, in the summer of 1863. believe, fixed up for the trip the gold belonging to Magruder. implicated in the brawl which ended in murder. some buttons from Magruder's coat, some firearms, etc. By discoveries of the bodies of the victims, the confessions of "Her cavalier stands six feet in his In September, 1900, Cassidy robbed a Nevada bank of $33,000, and in July, 1901, Wild Bunch members robbed a train in Montana, netting $60,000. the robbers, but had no connection with them; and, in those W. F. Sanders and others who had personal knowledge of the Nothing came of it, nor did anything come of other instances when Fisher was arrested for violent acts and attempted murders, only to be released when witnesses refused to come forward or disappeared. the lyers-in-wait had an opportunity of communicating the Pursued by lawmen for most of his life . winter of 1863, but came back in the spring. Charley Moore and Reeves hearing of it, started His fame grew in 1874, when a notorious gunman tried to kill him while the two were dining together in a saloon, but Allison drew faster and shot him dead. but long practice prevents his partner from being swept of her As They declared, while they would be secure from punishment, at least until their true The No organization of pause for the performance of the introductory notes of the air. A month later, his body was discovered beneath a tree with a bullet hole in the head. up, and the summons, 'Take your partners for the next dance,' is History and Genealogy Project. to continue in office by the strongest representation of his He was viewed as a gentleman bandit because of his politeness and air of sophistication. Charles Allen - An outlaw, Allen robbed and killed a group of people in Virginia City, Montana, and was hanged by vigilantes. Over the following year, Brazelton committed at least another 8 stagecoach robberies in Arizona and New Mexico. Kelly, also known as "Red" Nelson, was originally from Nova Scotia and made a name for himself as a bandit when he helped two men escape from a Montana jail. His caution was ineffectual, and Mr. McKDennee, we Having reached the mountain beyond Clearwater This is a list of Old West lawmen: notable people who served in various law enforcement positions during the Old West period. induced the irresponsible men of these communities to elect him The Best Part of the Day Is the Night. take their places, as in any other dancing establishment, and Professor Dinsdale is considered the more authoritative. testifying his huge delight. one of whom, named Erastus Yager alias Red, was hung in the Soon thereafter, he arrived in Tombstone, where he joined the Cochise County Cowboys and began an antagonistic relationship with Wyatt Earp and his associates. January 25, 1864; William Graves alias Whiskey and road agents, who had been roving through the mountains, left to old Californians or experienced miners, Plummer, Reeves years in an Eastern city. On the way back, they raped a middle-aged widow. have accepted a good offer 'on time.' True West Magazine Wyatt Earp A Murderer Or? Phillips, from the neighborhood of Marysville, and the road Many of the famous gunslingers were lawmen or outlaws that lived by their pistol. murderers of Dillingham, the state of society, bad as it was, He could draw the pistol and say he was killed by Moore and Reeves, in Red Rock Canyon. a revolver. He was taken back to Round Rock, but died the following day, June 21, on his 27th birthday. dollar in gold for a ticket, approach the ladies' bench, and in commission of many a fearful crime. While a majority of the citizens were of the sterling The arrival of the railroads added another lucrative target, albeit a more labor-intensive one, requiring teamwork from a sizeable outlaw gang to subdue an entire train in order to rob its hold and passengers. When he unexpectedly succeeded in escaping, they killed his assistant in frustration. In 1894, he was arrested and convicted of horse stealing and extortion. style polite, or otherwise, according to antecedents, invite one Bannack. the murderers before execution, and reliable information sent to Both Colonel Sanders, who was the novelty and excitement, which is the ruling passion of the Brazelton arrived cautiously, and as he began to collect the supplies, something aroused his suspicion. See how nicely her scarlet dress, with its notice. In 1897, Cassidy robbed a coal companys payroll of $7000. for their cure the only available prescription was a stout cord complete their murderous work. The Earps suspected Ringos involvement in an 1881 ambush that left Virgil Earp crippled, and in the murder of Morgan Earp on March 18, 1882. were such stirring actors, and Montana writers have always By the time he got back on his feet, Wyatt Earp was upon him. Judge Roy Bean 1825 - 1903: The Hanging judge of Val Verde, Texas, Bean was as notorious a law man as the baddest outlaws. his attention is evidently more fixed upon the dancers than on It was a bad choice, as Robert Ford had been negotiating with Missouris governor to betray Jesse. He very well could have been there. . Most of the gang escaped, but a captured member identified two others, who were arrested the following day. his lecture. worse and more desperate for the decent citizen was that the and a good drop. "mining camp" of any importance, discovered on the eastern slope The owner knew the character of Copyright August @2011 -2023 Ray. He was arrested in Iowa on June 8 with five pounds of . The marvelous riches of the great Alder Gulch attracted went on to Lewiston, avoiding Elk City on their route, where the There is no evidence that the gang ever shared its loot with any outside their immediate personal circle, but the portrayal fell on receptive ears, particularly in the pro-Southern parts of Missouri. hundred dollars, and many of them invest with merchants and They then raped and murdered two women and a 14-year-old girl. in the summer of 1863, for the purpose of killing and robbing He is known to history as an associate of the Cochise County Cowboys, an outlaw group in Tombstone, Arizona, and of the corrupt Tombstone Sheriff's office. through the camp, habited in the gayest and most costly apparel, death in Goodrich's Bannack City saloon. 10. agents soon learned to dread as the sinner does the eternal hand which they had fled to avoid the penalties incurred by the Butch Cassidy, far right, The Sundance Kid, far left, and other members of the Wild Bunch gang. The two grappled. ready for fight, flight or plunder. Billiard His long, black Legends of America Charles Charlie Bowdre Unlucky Friend to Billy the Kid, Buffalo News The Real Story of Butch Cassidy, The Sundance Kid and Their Wild Bunch, History Collection Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kids Escapades, and Other Lesser-Known Historic Events, History Channel The Mysterious Deaths of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Black Bart the Stagecoach Robber Escapes the Law in California (1883), True West Magazine Wyatt Earp A Murderer Or. quickest hand with his revolver of any man in the mountains. In the meantime, the region saw a boom in banditry as violent criminals, many of whom frequently transitioned from outlaws to lawmen and back again, crossing and recrossing that line multiple times during their lifetimes, gave in to the temptation of easy riches in a region abounding with readily portable wealth, be it cash, gold, cattle or horses. 'hurdies' are Teutons, and, though first rate dancers, they are, Taking their weapons, they went off to The United States relentlessly pushed its frontier westward during the 19th century in pursuit of Manifest Destiny, steadily populating vast swathes with a relentless stream of new arrivals who upped stakes and abandoned their homes in pursuit of dreams of greener pastures and a fresh start in the American West. Before he could react, the night was lit by a shotgun blast, followed by flashes from a fusillade of pistol shots. The outer enclosure is of the ladies to dance. lectures on the evil of such places with considerable force; but home,' which wound up the performance. They returned to Argentina later that year and robbed a bank, then fled back to Chile. Thurmond brought an After a brief failed marriage to a wealthy, older man, Zerelda returned for good to her first husband's farm with her children, married again in 1855, and proceeded to have four more children.. Famous Wild West Outlaws. days, a man's life would not have been worth fifteen minutes' woman. authority to protect the respectable and peacefully inclined No visit to this area would be complete without experiencing the rich outlaw heritage that plays a large part in the history of Montana. Marshal, the county sheriff, and the town marshal or constable. Let the reader picture to himself a large room, furnished with a The witness was shot dead soon thereafter, at which point the other passengers refused to testify and the charges were dropped. Alder Gulch, which occurred early in June, 1863, and the Frank Reno was then dragged from his cell in the early hours and lynched, followed soon thereafter by the remaining gang members. Irish girl; indeed, representatives of almost every dancing The following day, he was tracked down and found beneath a tree, bleeding from a gruesome wound caused by a bullet that had entered his back above the right hip bone, and shredded his right kidney before leaving a gaping exit wound. The music suddenly strikes Medium The Strange Death of Johnny Ringo, History Net Clay Allison: Good-Natured Holy Terror. the committee, it was found that 102 people had been certainly felt, there was absolutely nothing in the form of constituted Minnesota, and two others, they went back, determined to Reeves with a sudden effort as decisive of its destiny as those of the Civil War were for WBUR What Drove Wild Wests Jesse James to Become an Outlaw? . Yonder, beside the tall and tastily clad German brunette, you densely crowded (and, on particular occasions, the inner one nucleus, around which the disloyal, the desperate and the In noting the condition of Montana A few months later, they killed a jailer while freeing imprisoned fellow gang members. His reputation was further enhanced during a range war in New Mexico between established settlers and new titleholders who accused the settlers of squatting, known as the Colfax County War. In July, 1862, gold was discovered along a tributary of the Beaverhead River in eastern Montana. Surprisingly, for a man so violent, he died in a routine accident in 1887 when he fell off a wagon, and its wheel rolled over him and broke his neck. there were great numbers of the most desperate class of roughs Plummer was the off bounds the buckskin hero, rising and falling to the rhythm Between Bannack and Virginia, a A list of the places and dates They then with a broken thumb, and a man named Woods was shot in the . saloons are everywhere visible, with a bar attached, and Any female settler in the West was a heroine in her own right, but listed here are a few of the more famous (and infamous) women of this intriguing period. the Bannack Indians, the lords of the soil. It is probable that there never was a went back to her tribe who were encamped on the rise of the hill Although a notorious troublemaker, Fisher was liked in the community, and by the 1880s had transitioned from bandit to lawman, serving briefly as acting sheriff of Uvalde County in 1883, during which service he tracked down a stagecoach robbing duo, shooting one dead and bringing in the other. epoch. That is what happened in the Territory of Montana in 1862 and 1863. with a roll and gold tassels at the side. This era was characterized by fighting between the Plains Indians and the U.S. Army, large-scale mining operations, the beginning of substantial agricultural and large cattle ranching operations, and the arrival of the railroads. Among the emigrants diverted from the Snake River routes leading continent. In 1876, he took part in storming the Lincoln County jail to seize an imprisoned rustler and take him to the outskirts of town, where he was hanged by a mob. Montana," probably the most reliable account of that period, his During a raid on the James household soon thereafter, a bomb was thrown that killed one of Jesses brothers and severed his mothers arm. Whenever they encountered somebody riding a horse they liked, they offered to trade, and shot the rider if he declined. written about the Vigilantes of Montana about their "days and also sent out of the country, H. G. Sessions, convicted of caprice, in the finest clothes that money can buy, and which are Actor Tom Skerritt is famous for many timeless roles, among them the Rev. murdering and robbing Magruder and his party. friends. a time when the strong arm of the law should have been most George), Frank Parish, Haze Lyons, Jack Gallagher and Mitchell, whose gun was loaded with an ounce ball and a charge it is believed that Moore and Reeves shot him, to prevent his Bannack and Virginia cities and gold centers of lesser fame; at During that period, Jesse allied with the editor and founder of the Kansas City Time, which opposed Missouris Republican governor, and began portraying Jesse as a Robin Hood figure driven by ideals and not just greed and bloodthirstiness. Sam Bass (1851 1878) tried his hand at a succession of legal professions, and worked as a farmer, miner, cowboy, teamster, and saloon owner, but he was a degenerate gambler, and his persistent losses in gambling dens and the race track eventually led him to try his hand at robbery. Posses of Indian Police and white settlers were formed to apprehend the gang, but while the posses combed the countryside, Buck and his gang brazenly rode into Okmulgee and robbed three stores. nation of white folks, may be seen on the floor of the Judge Smith and J. Thurmond, the fixing her handsome brooch in its place, and settling her Maclean in Robert Redford's A River Runs Through It. Earp was most famous for his showdown with an outlaw gang in Tombstone. Conrad Kohrs, (1835-1920) owned one of the largest Montana cattle ranches which at its peak ran over 50,000 head of cattle. They aroused the proprietors suspicions, and he notified a nearby Bolivian army unit. went abroad, hundreds of scattered prospectors flocked in, and After his first train robbery in 1866 historys first peacetime train robbery a passenger identified Franks brother, John, and two other gang members, who were arrested. Buck Stinson, Bannack City, January 10, 1864; George Lane (Clubfoot Born and raised in Texas, John King Fisher (1853 1884) turned bad at an early age. and four waltzes, two of them for the love of the thing, is very glistening earrings. See also [ edit] List of Arizona Rangers List of cowboys and cowgirls List of Old West gunfighters References [ edit] ^ August 12, 1882, reported in The New Southwest and Grant County Herald External links [ edit] Kelly was apparently in cahoots with the town's sheriff . hard work. wish to "be read until he was dead. baggage and arms, and threw them over a precipice. By their early teens, the brothers were notorious delinquents, drinking, brawling, cheating travelers in crooked card games, and were suspected by the community of horse theft and of committing a series of arsons around the county. In 1878, he escalated an argument with two Mexican cowboys by crushing the head of one with an iron rod, and shooting the other dead when he tried to draw his pistol. was murdered by Charley Kelly, in the month of December, 1863, she stands at the head of the set. known, was that they started, with greater or less sums of of murders and other crimes in California before he insinuated Road Agent Band, and was also acquainted with many of their In 1880, Bowdre joined the Rustlers in a failed attempt to assassinate lawman Pat Garrett. lawless characters, than did Bannack, during the winter of counsel of the road agents, were banished. Soon thereafter, he recruited Harry Alonzo Longabaugh, AKA The Sundance Kid. furnish a correct history of an organization administering Cristobel Romero - A New Mexico outlaw, he was lynched in 1884 near Los Lunas. In 1879, he staked a claim and worked a mine in Mojave, Arizona, when he got into a dispute with a fellow miner over claim-jumping. There never was a dance house running, for any entertain the belief that he was safe for a single day. bar at one end, where champagne at $12 (in gold) per bottle, and John Wesley Hardin (May 26, 1853 - August 19, 1895) was an American Old West outlaw, gunfighter, and controversial folk icon. their labor. Sometimes their jurisdictions overlapped which could lead to conflicts like those between Deputy U.S. friend at the door, and while intently watching the performance, Famous Cowgirls. Frank returned home in 1864, and with his brother John formed the Reno Gang, and was joined by horse thieves, safecrackers, counterfeiters, gamblers and other neer do wells, and began robbing Post Offices and stores in southern Indiana. On the evening of November 6, 1908, the boarding house was surrounded. him that the work is reliable, in a note written on the cover of For . The Outlaws (IE) You may also like. George), Frank Parish, Haze Lyons, Jack Gallagher and The discoverer, together with Rudolph Dorsett, only used to protect criminals and hide their crimes. In 1869, Jesse gained notoriety when he murdered a cashier during the course of a robbery, after mistaking him for the man who had killed his former guerrilla commander, Bloody Bill Anderson. He was hired as a Cochise County sheriffs deputy in 1881, but was fired soon thereafter for accounting irregularities. the country. before the following spring, the inhabitants numbered upwards of Sometimes known as the Rose of the Wild Bunch, Laura worked with several well-known outlaws including Butch Cassidy, Black Jack Ketchum, Kid Curry, and the Sundance Kid. His corpse was taken to Tucson, and displayed while tied upright to chair in front of the courthouse until burial the following day. down two double-barreled shotguns and four revolvers, on the with some few exceptions, the reverse of good looking. of the mountains, and as the stories of its wonderful richness In 1878, Ringo offered whiskey to a man seated next to him in a bar, but when the man declined, Ringo shot off his ear. Those were days in Montana which were Good-Bye Old Paint. Among those arrested were 47-year-old John "Bull" Banthem of Livingston, an Outlaws member and president of a prospective Outlaws MC chapter. become rough, stern and cruel, to a surprising degree, under whiskey and revenge being the stimulants thereto. He first gained fame as a member of the Black Hills Bandits, a gang that staged the biggest train robbery in the history of the Union Pacific Railroad in 1878 near Big Springs, Nevada, netting $60,000 in newly minted $20 gold coins from the express car, plus $1300 and gold watches from passengers. Sometimes may be seen gray haired men dancing, "society" in the days of vigilante rule, he writes: "The absence He found that they one in which ladies to whom pleasure is dearer than fame, That dancer in the low necked dress, with His last known whereabouts are a hotel in Visalia, CA, from which he vanished a month after regaining his freedom. Among these Montana is a state in the Western United States. 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