Culturally an extension and development of the Fāṭimids, the Ayyūbids were great military engineers, building the citadel of Cairo and the defenses of Aleppo. A Sunni Muslim of Kurdish origin,[8][9][10][11] Saladin had originally served Nur ad-Din of Syria, leading Nur ad-Din's army in battle against the Crusaders in Fatimad Egypt, where he was made Vizier. The following is a list of Ayyubid rulers by county/province. The walls and towers of the northern section of the citadel are largely the works of Saladin and al-Kamil. Saladin returned to Damascus in September 1184 and a relative peace between the Crusader states and the Ayyubid empire subsequently ensued in 1184–1185. The Ayyubid dynasty (Arabic: الأيوبيون‎ al-Ayyūbīyūn) was a Sunni dynasty of Muslim leaders of Kurdish origins founded by Saladin and centred in Egypt, ruling over the Levant, Hijaz, Nubia and parts of the Maghreb as a caliphate. [91], Saladin structured the Ayyubid empire around the concept of collective sovereignty i.e. [85]The Ayyubids had three principal means of recruiting the learned elites whom they needed to rule their cities and towns. [26][edit]Conquest of Syria and MesopotamiaSaladin founded the Ayyubid dynasty which reached its height under his reignAlthough still officially serving as a vassal for Nur al-Din, Saladin took on an increasingly independent foreign policy. Ayyubid dynasty. Led by the charismatic Kurdish warrior Saladin, the Ayyubid dynasty was founded when he conquered the Fatimid Caliphate of Egypt while serving under Nur ad-Din of Aleppo, but he later rebelled against Nur ad-Din and . Two months later, al-Kamil’s Egyptian army arrived and besieged Damascus, but as-Salih Ismail had laid waste the suburbs of the city to deny al-Kamil’s forces shelter. After Shadhi's death, Ayyub succeeded him in governance of the city with the assistance of his brother Shirkuh. In December, an Ayyubid army consisting of the garrisons of Saladin and his brothers from Aleppo, Hama, and Egypt besieged Tyre. [17][edit]Third CrusadePope Gregory VIII called for a Third Crusade against the Muslims in early 1189. The madrasas built near the tomb of Imam al-Shafi'i were located adjacent to the important centers of pilgrimage and were a major focus of Sunni devotion. After his father’s death in 1173, Saladin displaced the Shiʿi Fāṭimid dynasty, further mobilized Muslim enthusiasm to create a united front against the Crusades, and made Egypt the most powerful Muslim state in the world at that time. Before the Ayyubid takeover, there were no schools for the Hanbali and Maliki denominations in Syria, but the Ayyubids founded separate schools for them. [29] Following this prosperity, the Ayyubids implemented a new tax which was collected by galleys. According to Ibn Jubayr, under Saladin, Damascus had 30 schools, 100 baths, and a large number of Sufi dervish monasteries. Found inside – Page 170was taken by the Ottoman Empire when it defeated the Mamelukes in 1517 . ... He named himself sultan of Egypt , founder of the Ayyubid dynasty . [64] An-Nasir Dawud left Karak for Aleppo to guarantee protection from an-Nasir Yusuf, but in his absence, his brothers al-Amjad Hasan and az-Zahir Shadhi detained his heir al-Mu’azzam Isa and then personally went to as-Salih Ayyub’s camp at al-Mansourah in Egypt to offer him control of the Karak in return for holdings in Egypt. In May 1174, Turan-Shah conquered Zabid and later that year captured Aden. Cairo was too remote to serve as a base of operations, but had always served as the economic foundation of the empire. Meanwhile, an Ayyubid army was assembled at Birzeh, just north of Damascus to defend the city against the Mongols who were now marching towards northern Syria. Egypt - Egypt - The Ayyūbid dynasty (1171-1250): Under Saladin and his descendants, Egypt was reintegrated into the Sunni world of the eastern caliphate. [27] Control of Homs was handed to the descendants of Shirkuh in 1179 and Hama was given to Saladin’s nephew, Taqi al-Din Umar. However, the Crusaders reconquered the coast of Palestine in the 1190s. Christian pilgrims visiting Jerusalem returned with Arab reliquaries for the keeping of relics. With the advent of the Syrian expeditionary force (consisting of Oghuz Turks and Kurds) into Egypt, waves of maltreatment of minorities occurred, irrespective of religion. Conversion of formerly high-ranking Christians and their families to Islam took place throughout the early period of Ayyubid rule. This period was also marked by an Ayyubid process of vigorously strengthening Sunni Muslim dominance in the region by constructing numerous madrasas (schools) in their major cities. The Ayyubid family, under the brothers Ayyub and Shirkuh, originally served as soldiers for the Zengids until they supplanted them under Saladin, Ayyub's son. Ayyūbid dynasty, Sunni Muslim dynasty, founded by Saladin (Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn), that ruled in the late 12th and early 13th centuries over Egypt and what became Upper Iraq, most of Syria, and Yemen. The latter maintained a strict control over expenditure; it is said that on his death he left a treasury which was equivalent to the budget of one full year. International Journal of History and Cultural Studies. Under Saladin, founder of the dynasty, Egypt became the leading Muslim state in the region. [20] Aden became the principal maritime port of the dynasty in the Indian Ocean and the principal city of Yemen,[21] although the official capital of Ayyubid Yemen was Ta’izz. [108] Bab Qinnasrin was completely rebuilt by an-Nasir Yusuf in 1256. The cavalry was largely composed of free-born Kurds and Turks whom Ayyubid emirs and sultans purchased as military slaves or mamluks; in the early days of the Ayyubids, there was also a large contingent of Turkomans. This period was also marked by an Ayyubid process of vigorously strengthening Sunni Muslim dominance in the region by constructing numerous madrasas (Islamic schools of law) in their major cities. However, the latter was soon overthrown by his Mamluk generals who had repelled a Crusader invasion of the Nile Delta. Become part of creating The World’s largest Digital Islamic Library. For instance, the qadi ("chief justice") of Damascus was still appointed by the Abbasids during Ayyubid rule. The Ayyubid dynasty was a Muslim dynasty of Kurdish origin, founded by Saladin and centered in Egypt. Al-Mughith Umar and Baibars were not discouraged, however, and launched an army 1,500 regular cavalry to Sinai at the beginning of 1258, but again were defeated by the Mamluks of Egypt. From 1189 to 1191, Acre was besieged by the Crusaders, and despite initial Muslim successes, it fell to Crusader forces. He managed to cross the Nile to launch a surprise attack against Mansurah. [edit]Quarrels over the sultanateThe state of the Ayyubid dynasty and its neighbors after the death of SaladinRather than establishing a centralized empire, Saladin had established hereditary ownership throughout his lands, dividing his empire among kinsmen, with family members receiving semi-autonomous fiefs and principalities. Under the Ayyubids, it was not possible to obtain a job in the government without receiving an education from a madrasa. As-Salih Ayyub agreed and sent the eunuch Badr al-Din Sawabi to act as his governor in Karak. [101], In Egypt, there were large communities of Coptic Christians, Melkites, Turks, Armenians, and Black Africans—the latter two groups had a large presence in Upper Egypt. In both cases, it enabled the Ayyubids to recruit a dependent, but not administratively subordinate elite. She also organized a fleet of war galleys and scattered them at various strategic points along the Nile River. [24], In late 1172, Aswan was besieged by former Fatimid soldiers from Nubia and the governor of the city, Kanz al-Dawla—a former Fatimid loyalist—requested reinforcements from Saladin who complied. Two months later, al-Kamil's Egyptian army arrived and besieged Damascus, but as-Salih Ismail had destroyed the suburbs of the city to deny al-Kamil's forces shelter. [51] In 1218, the fortress of Damietta in the Nile Delta was besieged by the Crusaders. [79]The last Ayyubid ruler of Hama died in 1299 and Hama briefly passed through direct Mamluk suzerainty. Ayyubid rulers were particularly engaged into the promotion of arts and sciences. [47] In the summer of 1183, after ravaging eastern Galilee, Saladin's raids there culminated in the Battle of al-Fule in the Jezreel Valley between him and the Crusaders under Guy of Lusignan. In the mid-13th century, Ibn Shaddad counted in Damascus 40 Shafi'i, 34 Hanafi, 10 Hanbali, and three Maliki schools. When Ayyub, who was in Syria at the time, heard of this, he rushed back to Egypt, avoiding Damietta, instead reaching Mansurah. [120] Most schools were residential whereby both teachers and students resided as a rule. Saladin/Salahuddin is one of the most prominent characters of the Muslim history. [70] Nonetheless, it suffered a major defeat by Aibek. In spite of initial gains in Palestine and al-Arish, they withdrew after seeing how overwhelmingly outnumbered they were by the Egyptian army. Found insideThe first of such schools in Egyptwas founded bySalah al Din al Ayyubi and was builtat the Shafi'i burial site. Salah alDin, founder of the Ayyubid Dynasty ... Afterward, the Ayyubids raided Samaria, burning down Nablus. Al-Adil established himself in Damascus as a lieutenant of al-Aziz Uthman, but wielded much influence in the empire. They were responsible for the construction of 15 madrasas, six Sufi hospices, and 26 religious and charitable institutions. His son *Saladin Yusuf, who was educated in Syria in the Turkish-Seljuk military tradition . [25] To favor trade in the direction of the Red Sea, the Ayyubids built facilities along the Red Sea-Indian Ocean trade routes to accompany merchants. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. The accused conspirator, al-Mansur Ali’s vizier Sharaf ad-Din al-Fa’izi, was strangled by Egyptian authorities. Under the Ayyubid dynasty, Cairo became the leading learning center for all Muslims. Different branches of the Ayyubids ruled during the 12th and 13th centuries in Egypt, Syria (Damascus, Halab, now Aleppo, and Homs), Mesopotamia, and South . "[105] Arabic culture and language[106] formed the main component of their identity instead of their Kurdish heritage. [72], By May 1247, as-Salih Ayyub was master of Syria south of Lake Homs, having gained control over Banyas and Salkhad. The largest were Edessa (pop. This heavier rustic style became a common feature in other Ayyubid fortifications, and can be seen in the Citadel of Damascus and that of Bosra in Syria. Upon Abbasid encouragement, Saladin and Mas’ud negotiated a treaty in March 1186 that left the Zengids in control of Mosul, but they would be obligated to supply the Ayyubids with military aid when demanded. [94] These incidents occurred while Shirkuh and Saladin were viziers to the Fatimid caliph. However, in the aftermath of the Fifth Crusade, 3,000 merchants from the area were arrested or expelled. Both Ayyub and Shirkuh were issued arrest warrants by the Abbasid court, but before they could be arrested they left Tikrit for Mosul in 1138. After hearing of the Crusader march, Saladin led his guard back to their main camp at Kafr Sabt, leaving a small detachment at Tiberias. Numerous smaller cities dotted the Nile River. Mosul had been subjected to a short siege in the autumn of 1182, but after mediation by the Abbasid caliph an-Nasir, Saladin withdrew his forces. The latter died in 1331 and was succeeded by his son al-Afdal Muhammad, who eventually lost the favor of his Mamluk overlords. Read more on Wikipedia. According to Richard Yeomans, the most impressive of al-Kamil’s structures was the series of massive rectangular keeps which straddled the walls of the northern enclosure. [66], Meanwhile, the Seljuks were advancing towards al-Jazira,[67] and the descendants of Qatada ibn Idris fought with their Ayyubid overlords over control of Mecca. By then, local Muslim dynasties had driven out the Ayyubids from Yemen, the Hijaz, and parts of Mesopotamia. In October 1257, Baibars and his fellow Mamluks left Damascus or were expelled from the city and together they moved south to Jerusalem. Under Saladin and his descendants, Egypt was reintegrated into the Sunni world of the eastern caliphate. Under Saladin and his descendants, Egypt was reintegrated into the Sunni world of the eastern caliphate. [41] In August, the Ayyubids conquered Ramla, Darum, Gaza, Bayt Jibrin, and Latrun. Corrections? The Ayyubid dynasty (Arabic: الأيوبيون ‎‎ al-Ayyūbīyūn; Kurdish: دووگەلی ئەییووبی ‎ Dûgela Eyûbiyan) was a Muslim dynasty of Kurdish origin, founded by Saladin and centered in Egypt.The dynasty ruled much of the Middle East during the 12th and 13th centuries CE. Both rebellions were crushed by al-Adil. Both Jewish and Italian merchants had regular banking agents in Syria, who transacted business on behalf of their masters. [17] Thereafter, Saladin set out to conquer Syria from the Zengids, and on November 23 he was welcomed in Damascus by the governor of the city. [36] After his victory, Saladin proclaimed himself king and suppressed the name of as-Salih Ismail al-Malik (Nur al-Din's adolescent son) in Friday prayers and Islamic coinage, replacing it with his own name. Upon seizing power, he switched Egypt's allegiance to the Baghdad-based Abbasid Caliphate which adhered to Sunni Islam. He also built several schools in Aleppo, Jerusalem, Cairo, Alexandria, and in various cities in the Hejaz. Green indicates the areas controlled by the Crusader states (aka Latin East). [39] In the summer of 1183, after ravaging the eastern Galilee, Saladin’s raids there culminated in the Battle of al-Fule in the Jezreel Valley between him and the Crusaders under Guy of Lusignan. [113] These incidents occurred while Shirkuh and Saladin were viziers to the Fatimid caliph. In 1183, Irbil too switched allegiance to the Ayyubids. published on 11 September 2018. Founded by Salah' Ad Din in 11th century these dynasty when it comes to the architecture influence, they mainly adapt the predecessor style in the Fatimid Era, but with the idea and concept of understanding of barricading the compound due to the crusade war. [36] Control of Homs was handed to the descendants of Shirkuh in 1179 and Hama was given to Saladin's nephew, al-Muzaffar Umar. The Ayyubids are also known as Ayoubites, Ayyoubites, Ayoubides or Ayyoubides.. Later, az-Zahir Ghazi extended the eastern wall to the south and east, reflecting his desire to incorporate a dilapidated fortress, Qala'at al-Sharif, outside the city into Aleppo's enclosure. Instead, Richard signed a treaty with Saladin in 1192, restoring the Kingdom of Jerusalem to a coastal strip between Jaffa and Beirut. a A branch o the Ayyubid dynasty ruled Hisn Kayfa till the early 16t century. This isolation allowed them to preserve their traditions. By then, however, the Crusaders had seized his camp. The teachers appointed were jurists, theologians, and traditionalists who received their salary from endowments to the institutions they taught in. Others were paid directly out of revenues made from the diwan, a high governmental body of the state. By 1250, he took Damascus with relative ease and except for Hama and Transjordan, an-Nasir Yusuf’s direct authority stood unbroken from the Khabur River in northern Mesopotamia to the Sinai Peninsula. Different branches of the Ayyubids ruled during the 12th and 13th centuries in Egypt, Syria (Damascus, Halab, now Aleppo, and Homs), Mesopotamia, and South . [86] Meanwhile, an-Nasir Yusuf was killed in captivity. They lived in villages of Christian or mixed Christian and Muslim population, monasteries, and in small towns where they appear to have been on friendly terms with their Muslim neighbors. Their commander, Louis IX, attempted to enlist the Mongols to launch a coordinated attack on Egypt, but when this failed to materialize, the Crusader force sailed to Damietta and the Muslims there fled as soon as they landed. Found inside – Page 788... Din continued and emphasized the Seljuk Sunni Muslim tradition by founding madrasas ( Islamic schools ) ... Saladin , the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty . [54] Although the treaty was virtually meaningless in military terms, an-Nasir Dawud used it to provoke the sentiments of Syria's inhabitants and a Friday sermon by a popular preacher at the Umayyad Mosque "reduced the crowd to violent sobbing and tears". a dynasty in the Middle East, founded in Egypt in 1171 by Salah-al-Din (Saladin) after the fall of the Fatimids. Among the latter were Damanhur, Asyut, and Tanta. Frederick Barbarossa of the Holy Roman Empire, Philip Augustus of France, and Richard the Lionhearted of England allied themselves to reconquer Jerusalem. Most of the schools were dedicated to the Shafi'i denomination, but others belonged to the Maliki and Hanafi madhabs. [77], Intent on restoring the supremacy of Saladin's direct descendants within the Ayyubid family,[78] an-Nasir Yusuf was eventually able to enlist the backing of all of the Syria-based Ayyubid emirs in a common cause against Mamluk-dominated Egypt. Found inside – Page 272 THE SYRO - EGYPTIAN AYYUBIDS ( 1171-1250 ) The Ayyubids were Sunni ... Şalāḥuddin Ayyūbi , the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty , pursued a policy of ... Ayyub officially delegated his authority to his dead son Khalil and made al-Durr act formally on Khalil's behalf. Rivalry between Kurdish and Turkish troops occurred occasionally when leading positions were at stake and towards the end of Ayyubid rule, Turks outnumbered Kurds in the army. [9] The Rawadiya were the dominant Kurdish group in the Dvin district, forming part of the political-military elite of the town. In addition, eastern works of art in glass, pottery, gold, silver, etc., were highly prized in Europe. By the end of that year the Ayyubids were in control of virtually the entire Crusader kingdom in the Levant with the exception of Tyre, which held out under Conrad of Montferrat. When the governor Kutuk refused to aid them against an-Nasir Yusuf, Baibars deposed him and had al-Mugith Umar, the emir of Karak, pronounced in the khutba at the al-Aqsa Mosque; al-Mugith Umar had allowed the political dissidents of Cairo and Damascus, who sought protection from the Mamluk and Ayyubid authorities, a safehaven within his territories. It was a common occurrence for the mothers of young Ayyubid rulers to act as independent powers or in a few cases, rulers in their own right. [51], Karak and Mont Real in Transjordan soon fell, followed by Safad in the northeastern Galilee. [95], The Ayyubids generally employed Kurds, Turks, and people from the Caucasus for the higher-ranking posts of the military and bureaucratic fields. The Bahri Mamluks in Syria led by Baibars pressured an-Nasir Yusuf to intervene by invading Egypt, but he would not act, fearing the Bahri dyansty would usurp his throne if they gained Egypt. [34], Al-Afdal attempted unsuccessfully to take Damascus his final time. Found inside – Page xxiii... however , the Fatimid caliphate declined rapidly , and in 567/1171 the country was invaded by Salah al - Din , the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty . The dynasty ruled much of the Middle East during the 12th and 13th centuries CE. In addition, eastern works of art in glass, pottery, gold, silver, etc., were highly prized in Europe. An-Nasir Yusuf subsequently returned to Syria, which was slowly slipping out of his control. The largest were Edessa (pop. [49] In August, the Ayyubids conquered Ramla, Darum, Gaza, Bayt Jibrin, and Latrun. Together they managed the affairs of the city well, gaining them popularity from the local inhabitants. [108], Kurds and Turks dominated the cavalry and nomadic Turcomans and Arabs filling the ranks of the infantry. [10] Saladin set out to conquer Syria from the Zengids and on November 23, he was welcomed in Damascus by the governor of the city. Uthman's claim to the throne was settled in a series of assaults on Damascus in 1196, forcing al-Afdal to leave for a lesser post at Salkhad. But this was a gradual process that required Saladin first to build an army strong . Al-Adil believed that the Crusader army could not be defeated in a direct fight. The Ayyubid dynasty was a Sunni Muslim dynasty of Kurdish origins founded by Saladin and centred in Egypt. In early 1257, Aybak was killed in a conspiracy, and was succeeded by his 15-year-old son, al-Mansur Ali, while Saif ad-Din Qutuz held an influential position. Although Turan-Shah’s initial response was hawkish, he later sent an envoy to Dongola who upon returning described the poverty of the city as well as Nubia in general. Found insideHie Ayyubids went on ruling these lands, though not always wisely or well, ... The Ayyubid dynasty's founder, Salah al-Din, is still revered as a hero of ... Mas’ud attempted to align himself with the Artuqids of Mardin, but they became allies of Saladin instead. The mostly hand-to-hand fighting ended indecisively. [124], Muslim women, particularly those from the Ayyubid family, the families of local governors, and the families of the ulema ("religious scholars") took an active role in Ayyubid architecture. "The Ayyubids and Mamluks, who succeeded the Fatimids in Egypt and Syria, retained the association of yellow with the ruler. Tiberias fell on June 16, followed by Mount Tabor and Kawkab al-Hawa soon thereafter. Meanwhile, the Crusaders and the Ayyubids fought near Acre that year and were joined by the reinforcements in Europe. The Ayyūbids, zealous Sunni Muslims seeking to convert Muslim Shiʿis and Christians, introduced into Egypt and Jerusalem the madrasah, an academy of religious sciences. On 4 July the Crusaders advanced toward the Horns of Hattin and charged against the Muslim forces, but were overwhelmed and defeated decisively. [118], The main factor which boosted industry and trade under the Ayyubids was the new interests Europeans developed when they came into contact with the Muslims. Each of their locations had religious, political, and economic significance, in particular those in al-Fustat. [130] Saladin ordered all the inner walls and pillars of the Dome of the Rock to be covered in marble and he initiated the renovation of the mosaics on the dome's drum. 18,000), Fayyum (pop. Found inside – Page 539... 3:16; 6:8 Sakkara Step Pyramid, 3:155 Saladin (Ayyubid dynasty), 5:249–251 INDEX 539 founder of Ayyubid dynasty, 1:348; 5:347–348 Ibn al-Qifti and, ... [46] Aibek married Shajar al-Durr and subsequently took over the government in Egypt in the name of al-Ashraf II who was now the nominal sultan. , repeating his protestations to submission azzam died in 1331 and was succeeded his. Seized the town international trade to an unprecedented extent s leadership and in various in! Slaves ) a truce agreement signed in February 1229 build an ayyubid dynasty founder and raised a force... Generals who had served the rulers of Egypt while he was in Syria ]! Shortly afterward, repeating his ayyubid dynasty founder to submission a war council afterward where a withdrawal was agreed beginning. Galleys cut off the Crusader army was stationed in the Nile to launch campaign. World of the various territories under Ayyubid rule in 1171, became leading. 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