CONTENTS by CHAPTER: 1. STALINGRAD: THE PRELUDE TO THE BATTLE 2. THE BATTLE OF STALINGRAD: PREPARATORY PHASE DOCUMENTS 3. STALINGRAD: URBAN WARFARE 4. Paulus requested permission to surrender, but Hitler rejected Paulus' request out of hand. [96] The VVS remained qualitatively inferior, but by the time of the Soviet counter-offensive, the VVS had reached numerical superiority. Marked by fierce close-quarters combat and direct assaults on civilians in air raids, it is one of the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare, with an estimated 2 million total casualties. Nevertheless, the fighting continued, especially on the slopes of Mamayev Kurgan and inside the factory area in the northern part of the city. Stalingrad–Stalin’s City–the industrial center on the Volga River, attracted German and Soviet divisions in the latter part of 1942 like a magnet draws metal shavings. How three million Germans died after VE Day. The northern flank was defended by Hungarian and Romanian units, often in open positions on the steppes. Gdr ddr 1990 speech about former wehrmacht officers and ww2 stalingrad veterans in the nva. In another part of the city, a Soviet platoon under the command of Sergeant Yakov Pavlov fortified a four-story building that oversaw a square 300 meters from the river bank, later called Pavlov's House. As Army Group A captured Rostov-na-Donu, it penetrated deeply into the Caucasus (Operation Edelweiss). Stalingrad has been described as the biggest defeat in the history of the German Army. [185] Britain's conservative The Daily Telegraph proclaimed that the victory had saved European civilisation. The other would start from the Chir front west of the Don, which was little more than forty miles from the edge of the Kessel, but the continuing attacks of Romanenko's 5th Tank Army against the German detachments along the river Chir ruled out that start-line. The preparations for the attack could be heard by the Romanians, who continued to push for reinforcements, only to be refused again. Hitler’s decision was influenced by his economists, who mistakenly told him that Germany could not continue the war unless it obtained petroleum supplies from the Caucasus. In Absolute War, acclaimed historian and journalist Chris Bellamy crafts the first full account since the fall of the Soviet Union of World War II's battle on the Eastern Front, one of the deadliest conflicts in history.. It also marked the increasing skill and professionalism of a group of younger Soviet generals who had emerged as capable commanders, chief among whom was Zhukov. Operation Barbarossa. The city’s remaining buildings were pounded into rubble by the unrelenting close combat. He studied 11,237 letters sent by soldiers inside of Stalingrad between 20 December 1942 and 16 January 1943 to their families in Germany. What is the significance of the Battle of Stalingrad? [169] Bartov reported that a great many of the soldiers were well aware that they would not be able to escape from Stalingrad but in their letters to their families boasted that they were proud to "sacrifice themselves for the Führer".[170]. From 16 to 25 September, it carried out 9,746 missions (975 per day). Stalin rushed all available troops to the east bank of the Volga, some from as far away as Siberia. "[146] On 28 January, the cauldron was split into three parts. In 1945 Stalingrad was officially proclaimed a Hero City of the Soviet Union for its defense of the motherland. World War II was a global conflict of immense proportions in which 50 million people died, but at its heart was the epic struggle between Stalin and Hitler on the Eastern Front. According to Stephen Walsh: Romanian casualties were 158,854; 114,520 Italians (84,830 killed, missing and 29,690 wounded); and 143,000 Hungarian (80,000 killed, missing and 63,000 wounded). Learn about the Battle of Stalingrad (1942–43) a brutal military campaign between Russia and Germany during World War II. Found insideThe turning point of World War II came at Stalingrad. Hitler's soldiers stormed the city in September 1942 in a bid to complete the conquest of Europe. Yet Stalingrad never fell. The condition of the troops that surrendered was pitiful. "[106], During the siege, the German and allied Italian, Hungarian, and Romanian armies protecting Army Group B's north and south flanks had pressed their headquarters for support. at Stalingrad – Catherine Merridale notes that, seemingly paradoxically, "their response was frequently relief. Arte documentary. On 23 August the 6th Army reached the outskirts of Stalingrad in pursuit of the 62nd and 64th Armies, which had fallen back into the city. "[140], The Germans inside the pocket retreated from the suburbs of Stalingrad to the city itself. "[79] Infantryman Lev Lvovich's explanation, for example, is typical for these interviews; as he recalls, "[i]t was a necessary and important step. Germany's Sixth Army had ceased to exist, and the forces of Germany's European allies, except Finland, had been shattered. [105], Recognising that German troops were ill-prepared for offensive operations during the winter of 1942 and that most of them were redeployed elsewhere on the southern sector of the Eastern Front, the Stavka decided to conduct a number of offensive operations between 19 November 1942 and 2 February 1943. In mid-December Hitler ordered one of the most-talented German commanders, Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, to form a special army corps to rescue Paulus’s forces by fighting its way eastward (Operation Winter Tempest), but Hitler refused to let Paulus fight his way westward at the same time in order to link up with Manstein. A massive German air raid on 23 August caused a firestorm, killing hundreds and turning Stalingrad into a vast landscape of rubble and burnt ruins. The outcome of the airlift was the Luftwaffe's failure to provide its transport units with the tools they needed to maintain an adequate count of operational aircraft – tools that included airfield facilities, supplies, manpower, and even aircraft suited to the prevailing conditions. Within days, Bock was replaced at the head of Army Group B by Field Marshal Maximilian von Weichs. A huge Soviet counteroffensive, planned by generals G.K. Zhukov, A.M. Vasilevsky, and Nikolay Nikolayevich Voronov, was launched on Nov. 19–20, 1942, in two spearheads, north and south of the German salient whose tip was at Stalingrad. *Includes pictures. *Includes accounts of the battles by citizens, soldiers and important generals. *Includes a bibliography for further reading. There were no more decisive victories for the Wehrmacht in the east. The campaign was a strategic Soviet success. The attacks quickly penetrated deep into the flanks, and by November 23 the two prongs of the attack had linked up at Kalach, about 60 miles (100 km) west of Stalingrad; the encirclement of the two German armies in Stalingrad was complete. [55] The Soviets continued to pour aerial reinforcements into the Stalingrad area in late September, but continued to suffer appalling losses; the Luftwaffe had complete control of the skies. The German public was not officially told of the impending disaster until the end of January 1943, though positive media reports had stopped in the weeks before the announcement. Due to Hitler’s rosy predictions for a swift Soviet collapse and an end to the war in the East by December 1941, Germany failed to produce winter clothing for his invading troops. The Battle of Stalingrad was won by the Soviet Union against a German offensive that attempted to take the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd, Russia) during World War II. As November began amid the cold and snow of an early Russian winter, German troops at Stalingrad pressed harder than ever to finish the job. The Battle of Stalingrad, perceived by historians as the most important battle of World War II and regarded by Russians as the most significant battle in their country’s history, cannot be viewed solely as a military engagement between ... Beautifully shot, this 1993 German film follows a group of German soldiers as they travel through Russia on their way to the Battle of Stalingrad. Despite this, and with no support available from other units, the AA gunners stayed at their posts and took on the advancing panzers. However, in Russia the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 is usually considered the beginning of the war. The Soviets were initially surprised by the number of Germans they had trapped and had to reinforce their encircling troops. [116] The American historians Williamson Murray and Alan Millet wrote that it was Manstein's message to Hitler on 24 November advising him that the 6th Army should not break out, along with Göring's statements that the Luftwaffe could supply Stalingrad that "... sealed the fate of the Sixth Army. After the disaster at Stalingrad in February 1943, the Red Army pushed the Germans back all the way across southern Russia, until a Panzer counteroffensive in March halted the Russian advance. [111] The link-up of the Soviet forces, not filmed at the time, was later re-enacted for a propaganda film which was shown worldwide., The History Learning Site - The Battle of Stalingrad, Military History Encyclopedia on the Web - The Caucasus Campaign and the Battle for Stalingrad June 1942 – February 1943, The Battle of Stalingrad – Thesis, Key Figures, Significance, and More, Battle of Stalingrad - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11). The forces under the 6th Army were almost twice as large as a regular German army unit, plus there was also a corps of the 4th Panzer Army trapped in the pocket. In the Battle of Stalingrad (23 August 1942 – 2 February 1943), Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in Southern Russia. The Battle of Stalingrad was one of the deadliest battles in World War II. Several Soviet regiments were wiped out; the entire staff of the Soviet 339th Infantry Regiment was killed the following morning during an air raid.[97]. [114] German personnel in the pocket numbered about 210,000, according to strength breakdowns of the 20 field divisions (average size 9,000) and 100 battalion-sized units of the Sixth Army on 19 November 1942. [43] Beyond the Volga River on the eastern boundary of Stalingrad, additional Soviet units were formed into the 62nd Army under Lieutenant General Vasiliy Chuikov on 11 September 1942. For a moment, I wished that the whole of Germany were there to see it. After German intentions became clear in July 1942, Stalin appointed General Andrey Yeryomenko commander of the Southeastern Front on 1 August 1942. Keen to learn but short on time? Get to grips with the events of the Battle of Stalingrad in next to no time with this concise guide. provides a clear and engaging analysis of the Battle of Stalingrad. The northern pocket consisting of the VIIIth Corps, under General Walter Heitz, and the XIth Corps, was now cut off from telephone communication with Paulus in the southern pocket. Occasionally Italian actions were mentioned in official German communiques. The capture of Stalingrad would make the delivery of Lend Lease supplies via the Persian Corridor much more difficult. And we all – it's true – felt better. On 19 November, the Red Army launched Operation Uranus, a two-pronged attack targeting the weaker Romanian and Hungarian armies protecting the 6th Army's flanks. Buildings had to be cleared room by room through the bombed-out debris of residential areas, office blocks, basements and apartment high-rises. [35][36][37][38] Italian forces were generally held in little regard by the Germans, and were accused of low morale: in reality, the Italian divisions fought comparatively well, with the 3rd Mountain Infantry Division Ravenna and 5th Infantry Division Cosseria showing spirit, according to a German liaison officer. Russia's War (New York: 1997), 201. Meanwhile, the Germans’ concentration on Stalingrad was steadily draining reserves from their flank cover, which was already strained by having to stretch so far—400 miles (650 km) on the left (north), as far as Voronezh, and 400 miles again on the right (south), as far as the Terek River. [185] The country celebrated "Red Army Day" on 23 February 1943. In the early parts of the operation, fuel was shipped at a higher priority than food and ammunition because of a belief that there would be a breakout from the city. The destruction of 72 aircraft when the airfield at Tatsinskaya was overrun meant the loss of about 10 percent of the Luftwaffe transport fleet.[167]. During the defence of Stalingrad, the Red Army deployed five armies in and around the city (28th, 51st, 57th, 62nd and 64th Armies); and an additional nine armies in the encirclement counteroffensive[46] (24th, 65th, 66th Armies and 16th Air Army from the north as part of the Don Front offensive, and 1st Guards Army, 5th Tank, 21st Army, 2nd Air Army and 17th Air Army from the south as part of the Southwestern Front). Operation Barbarossa was intended to deal a total defeat to the Soviets in only three to … This virus outbreak is bad but nothing compared to the German vs Russian battles at and around Stalingrad. The German soldier of World War II had become so accustomed to barracks with central heating and running water, to beds with mattresses, and to dormitories with parquet floors that the adjustment to the extremely primitive conditions in Russia was far from easy. August 25, 1942. In North Africa Rommel’s long success ended in late 1942 when the British broke through at El Alamein. A massive traffic jam resulted when the 4th Panzer and the 1st Panzer choked the roads, stopping both dead while they cleared the mess of thousands of vehicles. In the Battle of Stalingrad (23 August 1942 - 2 February 1943), Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in Southern Russia. This book will include: -Pictures. The Stukas claimed 41 of the 106 Soviet tanks knocked out that morning, while escorting Bf 109s destroyed 77 Soviet aircraft. "[137], The Red Army High Command sent three envoys while simultaneously aircraft and loudspeakers announced terms of capitulation on 7 January 1943. [32], Hitler intervened, however, ordering the Army Group to split in two. Army Group B was in disarray and faced strong Soviet pressure across all its fronts. [98] Stukageschwader 1, 2, and 77 had largely silenced Soviet artillery on the eastern bank of the Volga before turning their attention to the shipping that was once again trying to reinforce the narrowing Soviet pockets of resistance. The Germans set up a "mobile defence" of small units that were to hold towns until supporting armour arrived. When the retreat of the German 6th Army was cut off, and they surrendered, 91,000 of the survivors at the Battle of Stalingrad became POWs. Follow me on facebook: Artillery spotters were an especially prized target for snipers. Fliegerkorps dispatched wave after wave of Stuka dive-bombers to prevent a breakthrough. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. The Soviets surrounded the German Sixth Army, which surrendered (against the orders of Adolf Hitler) on January 31, 1943. OT--ww2---Stalingrad--perspective. "[45] The battle earned him one of his two Hero of the Soviet Union awards. [50] The exact number of civilians killed is unknown but was most likely very high. Told through the experiences of the German soldiers who endured these nightmarish years of warfare, War on the Eastern Front is a unique record of this cataclysmic campaign. On 31 January, regular programmes on German state radio were replaced by a broadcast of the sombre Adagio movement from Anton Bruckner's Seventh Symphony, followed by the announcement of the defeat at Stalingrad. [102], The Royal Romanian Air Force was also involved in the Axis air operations at Stalingrad. The Luftwaffe retained air superiority into November, and Soviet daytime aerial resistance was nonexistent. [93], Fighting raged inside the Barrikady Factory until the end of October. The situation of the Romanian tanks is known, however. Daily sorties decreased from 1,343 per day to 975 per day. Now "each part of the cauldron came personally under Hitler. Due to the German-Soviet pact of 1939, the beginning date of the war can be a sensitive political issue. Omissions? Army Group South was split into Army Group A (under Field Marshal Wilhelm List) and Army Group B (under Bock). Even before the Russian prospects had come to naught, Romania had developed into Germany’s chief overland supplier of oil. Before Stalingrad the Russians never won; after Stalingrad they could not lose. This book looks at the titanic struggle that ended in the total destruction of the second city of the Soviet Union, the greatest battle the world has ever seen. Battle of Stalingrad Casualties The Battle of Stalingrad was the bloodiest in modern history, with combined casualties estimated at over 1,530,000 killed, wounded or captured. A handful of senior officers were taken to Moscow and used for propaganda purposes, and some of them joined the National Committee for a Free Germany. Our neighborhoods in Chicago were pretty segregated by any factor you can think of. Battle of Kursk: Germany’s Lost Victory in World War II. "Approaching this place, soldiers used to say: 'We are entering hell.' And after spending one or two days here, they say: 'No, this isn't hell, this is ten times worse than hell. Germany And Russia Fought History's Largest Tank Battle During World War II. He won at least 16 medals or honors for his service in the war, and the rifle he used in Stalingrad is in the Volgograd Museum of Defense. Continuing: "An analysis of various archive documents and Soviet overseas publications giving war losses for World War II shows that total German armed forces casualties came to 13,448,000, which was 75.1% of the number mobilised during the war, or 46% of the entire male population of Germany in 1939 including Austria. [citation needed], Bitter fighting raged for ruins, streets, factories, houses, basements, and staircases. Overview of the Battle of Stalingrad (1942–43). Hitler reiterated that the Sixth Army would stay at Stalingrad and that the air bridge would supply it until the encirclement was broken by a new German offensive. At first, their prediction seemed correct: the attack in June 1941 caught Stalin unawares, and the Red Army unprepared. [Note 3]. This first volume in the Stalingrad trilogy covers the period from 28 June to 11 September 1942, including operations around Voronezh. [115], The Red Army units immediately formed two defensive fronts: a circumvallation facing inward and a contravallation facing outward. [111] A similar plan had been used a year earlier at the Demyansk Pocket, albeit on a much smaller scale: a corps at Demyansk rather than an entire army.[123]. [136] As Zhukov states, "The military and political leadership of Nazi Germany sought not to relieve them, but to get them to fight on for as long possible so as to tie up the Soviet forces. Our team is represented by several people. Axis casualties during the Battle of Stalingrad are estimated to have been around 800,000, including those missing or captured. The German offensive to capture Stalingrad—a major industrial and transport hub on the Volga River that ensured Soviet access to the Caucasus oil wells—began in August 1942, using the 6th Army and elements of the 4th Panzer Army. Some German holdouts continued to operate in the city and resist until early March 1943. The German 4th Panzer Army, after being diverted to the south to help Kleist’s attack on Rostov late in July 1942 (, The great winter battle at Stalingrad brought Hitler his first major defeat. We did not go into the basement itself – what was the use? Describes the events surrounding the crucial World War II battle in which Stalin's troops repulsed the Nazi invaders of the Soviet Union. [120][121], Adolf Hitler had declared in a public speech (in the Berlin Sportpalast) on 30 September 1942 that the German army would never leave the city. Paulus himself also doubted the feasibility of such a breakout. The director of Luftflotte 4, Wolfram von Richthofen, tried to get this decision overturned. The Allied powers group consisted of France, Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, and (from 1917) the U.S. World War II (a.k.a the Second World War), the opposing alliances are now referred to as ‘The Axis’ and ‘The Allies’. "[80] At the beginning of the battle there were 75,000 women and girls from the Stalingrad area who had finished military or medical training, and all of whom were to serve in the battle. Russia produced a staggering 84,000 T-34 tanks during World War II. Troops on both sides faced the constant strain of close-range combat. The Battle of Stalingrad is considered to be one of the greatest battles of World War II. [125] He ignored the limited mobility of the army and the difficulties of disengaging the Soviets. [52] Civilians, including women and children, were put to work building trenchworks and protective fortifications. In addition, the German 6th Army included between 40,000 and 65,000 Hilfswillige (Hiwi), or "volunteer auxiliaries",[113][114] a term used for personnel recruited amongst Soviet POWs and civilians from areas under occupation. Germany’s Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus at Red Army Headquarters for interrogation at Stalingrad, Russia, on March 1, 1943. The Germans had no usable tanks in the city, and those that still functioned could, at best, be used as makeshift pillboxes. Meanwhile, the Hungarian 2nd Army and the German 4th Panzer Army had launched an assault on Voronezh, capturing the city on 5 July. The Soviet and German armies in World War II used hordes of snipers—far more than the American and … When was the turning point of the Battle of Stalingrad? With the momentum of the Soviet counteroffensive thus slowed, the Germans made good their retreat to the Dnepr along the easier routes of the Black Sea littoral and were able, before the end of February 1943, to mount a counteroffensive of their own. The story follows a group of German soldiers, from their Italian R&R in the summer of 1942 to the frozen steppes of Soviet Russia and ending with the battle for Stalingrad. The Volga River was now frozen over solid, and Soviet forces and equipment were sent over the ice at various points within the city. The strain on both military commanders was immense: Paulus developed an uncontrollable tic in his eye, which eventually afflicted the left side of his face, while Chuikov experienced an outbreak of eczema that required him to have his hands completely bandaged. The Germans, however, were growing dispirited by heavy losses, by fatigue, and by the approach of winter. The city’s remaining buildings were pounded into rubble by the unrelenting close combat. [138][139] The German High Command informed Paulus, "Every day that the army holds out longer helps the whole front and draws away the Russian divisions from it. Paulus was the first German Field Marshal taken prisoner in the war, defying Hitler’s expectations that he fight until death (or take his own life in … Every year still, hundreds of bodies of soldiers who died in the battle are recovered in the area around Stalingrad and reburied in the cemeteries at Mamayev Kurgan or Rossoshka. 1, it suffered particularly heavy losses. The prisoners included 22 generals. Nevertheless, they continued to resist, in part because they believed the Soviets would execute any who surrendered. Equally with men they bore all the burdens of combat life and together with us men, they went all the way to Berlin. Historical Memorial Complex "To the Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle" at Mamayev Hill. [143] Hitler rejected it on a point of honour. Snipers of the 62 nd Army, inspired by the feats of their comrade, defeated more that six thousand German soldiers. The Germans Post-Stalingrad After the devastation of the Battle of Stalingrad, which ended in February 1943 , the Soviets and Germans took more than four months to regroup. Hrvatska pukovnija 369. na Istočnom bojištu 1941–1943. And then, suddenly, at the far end of the yard I caught sight of a human figure. We start 1943 under conditions I would never have dared to hope. This would bring the bulk of the Soviet population … [182], Regardless of the strategic implications, there is little doubt about Stalingrad's symbolism. The Germans fired a salvo on his and enemy troops. The armies in the area were also poorly equipped in terms of anti-tank weapons. The Germans adopted a simple defence of fixing wire nets over all windows to protect themselves from grenades. On the Soviet side, official Russian military historians estimate that there were 1,100,000 Red Army dead, wounded, missing, or captured in the campaign to defend the city. The destruction of an entire army (the largest killed, captured, wounded figures for Axis soldiers, nearly 1 million, during the war) and the frustration of Germany's grand strategy made the battle a watershed moment. [162] According to a contemporary Soviet report, 5,762 guns, 1,312 mortars, 12,701 heavy machine guns, 156,987 rifles, 80,438 sub-machine guns, 10,722 trucks, 744 aircraft; 1,666 tanks, 261 other armoured vehicles, 571 half-tracks and 10,679 motorcycles were captured by the Soviets. These raids caused little damage and were of nuisance value only. "As quick as lightning, the Panzergrenadiers jumped from their wagons. [104] From 21 August to 20 November, the German 6th Army lost 60,548 men, including 12,782 killed, 45,545 wounded and 2,221 missing. Under his command were the twenty German and two Romanian divisions encircled at Stalingrad, Adam's battle groups formed along the Chir River and on the Don bridgehead, plus the remains of the Romanian 3rd Army. [163] In addition, an unknown amount of Hungarian, Italian, and Romanian materiel was lost. Winter Storm, as Zhukov had predicted, was originally planned as a two-pronged attack. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The natural line of defence, the Don River, had never been properly established by the German side. Hence it was ineffective in relieving the 6th Army. [86] Three air regiments at Stalingrad were entirely female. Of the 120 tanks the Soviets had committed, 30 were lost to air attack.[61]. Before the Heer reached the city itself, the Luftwaffe had cut off shipping on the Volga, vital for bringing supplies into the city. Now 90, he lives in west Allentown. Scholars have produced different estimates depending on their definition of the scope of the battle. However, the predictable nature of the relief operation brought significant risk for all German forces in the area. Some 266 Junkers Ju 52s were destroyed; one-third of the fleet's strength on the Eastern Front. Salsk was abandoned in turn by mid-January for a rough facility at Zverevo, near Shakhty. 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The Transportgruppen was heavy elementary and High School its defense of the troops that surrendered was pitiful in! Aggression on the steppes B was commanded by General Maximilian von Weichs. [ ]! Were eventually sent on transports, of which 17,000 did not fall until early March.... Alamein in November 1942, operations began with significant German victories by 27 Sept. the Germans had pushed within! Were safe Zverevo was attacked repeatedly on 18 January and a further 50 Ju were!
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