US Navy pilot tells of an Ancient Alien City found in Antarctica Published December 21, 2019 In January 2015, UFO researcher Linda Moulton-Howe (editor of the website) received an unexpected letter from an alleged retired US Navy engineer, former first-class flight, non-commissioned officer. The winter months gave Byrd a brief respite, but by November 1929 Wilkins was on his way back to Antarctica, and Jack Northrop told the newspapers that "we will see a race between Wilkins and Byrd". 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. Credit ranges are a variation of FICO Score 8, one of many types of credit scores lenders may use when considering your credit card application. Preparation is critical, and [] Being a flight engineer, I was able to fly for more than 4000 hours in that capacity and saw things that most people cant even imagine. The genocide of millions through starvation and deadly shots. This was the largest expedition yet sent to Antarctica, and with it came three aircraft and the men to build an underground base in which to overwinter. Even if they don't stir up more climactic changes or feedback systems, an abundance of these holes could throw our climate models right out of whack. The range of factors that these holes could suddenly influence is astonishing, and the risk of them occurring more often is quite high. Brian, 59, who alleges to be a former retired US Navy petty officer first class flight engineer in a squadron called Antarctic Development Squadron Six, claimed to have been part of a crew that flew through a no fly zone above Antarctica, and saw UFOs, aliens, and a giant entrance hole to an alien base. After the war, he led his fourth expedition to Antarctica, the largest ever attempted to this date, and more than 500,000 miles of the continent were mapped by his planes. The document has moved here. Perhaps, by then, you will have learned the futility of war and its strifeand after that time, certain of your culture and science will be returned for your race to begin anew. Being a military man, he felt he had to comply. During my service in the team, I have flown to almost every part of the Antarctic continent including the South Pole more than 300 times. In the 10-hour flight filmed by two movie cameras on board the Australian and his American colleague had crossed at least 1,000 miles (1,600km) of previously unrecorded Antarctic territory. Here, from Admiral Byrds secret log and diary, is the message meant to have been heard 70 years ago! He was a recipient of the Medal of Honor, the highest honor for valor given by the United States, and was a pioneering American aviator, polar explorer, and organizer of polar logistics.Aircraft flights in which he served as a navigator and expedition leader crossed the Atlantic Ocean, a . Tolling Of The Bell That Predicted a Disaster, Unexplained Psychic Phenomena: Remote Viewing, Doppelganger Phenomenon: 4 Most Mysterious Cases, Carmine Carlos Mirabelli: Physical Medium Who Was a Mystery For Scientists, Ghost of Deceased Woman Used Telephones to Advise and Warn, Silent Hill In Real Life: Abandoned Centralia Pennsylvania, Its German for impeller but can be literally translated as winged wheel. "The pioneers like Wilkins were hugely courageous aviators," says Victoria Auld, a pilot with the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). At 8:15 p.m., they dropped supplies for a geological party near the Queen Maud Mountains and then continued on. At the end of which, he dropped the flags of the United Nations over the Pole. On the opposite side of the world, the explorers raced above the Antarctic Peninsula. But making sense of what they saw wasn't as easy and some mistakes were made. They flew a few miles beyond the pole and then to the right and the left to compensate for any navigational errors. Rather, be an actor, not a reactor. (Enrollment required for select benefits.). But strangely, we did not find anyone where we left them and there was no sign of their presence. Richard Evelyn Byrd Jr. (October 25, 1888 - March 11, 1957) was an American naval officer and explorer. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. As dramatic as it appears in satellite imagery, the resulting polynya isn't necessarily bad. I am a retired US Navy aeronautical engineer, pilot of an LC 130 plane that retired after 20 years of service in 1997. Then I was told to leave this area immediately and report to our squadron commander as soon as we returned to McMurdo. He feared that his Trimotor was too heavy, unreliable, and thirsty for such a flight. The expedition would climax with a rerun of Byrd's 1929 flight to the South Pole. Our emissaries have already delivered messages to the powers of your world, and yet they do not heed. They are high-wing aircraft with short runway requirements, which means they are . The co-pilot sits to the right, and the . $240 Digital Entertainment Credit: Get up to $20 back each month on eligible purchases made with your Platinum Card on one or more of the following: Audible, Disney+, The Disney Bundle, ESPN+, Hulu, Peacock, SiriusXM, and The New York Times. "But there's not many jobs, certainly for a UK pilot, where you can go and land on snow on skis in an aircraft. What is taking place now, is the satanic new World order. Our interest rightly begins just after your race exploded the first atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. . Pilots need to be able to maintain contact with the ground at all times, so they know where they are going and are still level. Also, the air forces of many nations still make their presence felt on the continent through operations to support scientific research. I felt like writing to her after meditating for a long period of time, so here is my decision to write and tell her about my experience on the Antarctic continent, witness of sightings of flying saucers and of which I have been told not to speak. Upon Byrds return to Washington, on March 11, 1947 he was interviewed intently by top security forces and a medical team. Goering was an early member of the Nazi Party read more. All Rights Reserved. being so advanced im sure they could change things by removing the despots who are slowly pushing the world to conflict. Terms apply to the offers listed on this page. ", Hubert Wilkins' Antarctic flights marked a new era of exploration on the continent, although many of his findings were later shown to be inaccurate (Credit: Bettmann/Getty Images), Antarctica may now have been mapped by satellites, but it doesn't mean that humans have been everywhere, or that the maps have always been updated. The 13 ships, 33 aircraft and 4,700 men of the US Navy's Operation Highjump made it the largest expedition ever sent to Antarctica, the apex of the conquest by Antarctica by air, and the birth of a new era of science-led exploration. It has some of the coldest and most extreme temperatures on our planet. READ MORE:The Treacherous Race to the South Pole, Explorer Richard Byrd claims to have flown over the North Pole, It may mean much more of the frozen continent is explored from the air. Excerpt of A Flight to the Land Beyond the North Pole: I bid you welcome to our domain, Admiral. I see a man with delicate features and with the etching of years upon his face. Coal, oil and, later, uranium were next on the list, but no one really knew what was under the ice. I am a retired US Navy aeronautical engineer, pilot of an LC 130 plane that retired after 20 years of service in 1997. Then, a year and a half ago, during the continent's coldest winter months, when ice should be at its thickest, a giant 9,500-square-kilometre hole(almost 3,700 square miles) suddenly showed up in the same ice pack. The credit card offers that appear on the website are from credit card companies from which receives compensation. In January 1946, Admiral Richard Byrd ordered the brand-new aircraft carrier Philippine Sea to turn into the wind and six huge propeller-powered long-range Douglas Skytrain cargo planes were blasted into the sky by rocket packs for an eight-hour flight to the Bay of Whales, at Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf. You see, our culture and science are many thousands of years beyond your race, Admiral. I interrupted, But what does this have to do with me, Sir?, The masters eyes seemed to penetrate deeply into my mind, and after studying me for a few moments he replied, Your race has now reached the point of no return, for there are those among you who would destroy your very world rather than relinquish their power as they know it. We once approached the air sampling camp the air sampling area but we had some electrical faults on the aircraft and some mysterious anomalies. It would have been the first time an aircraft flew over the top of the world. How Much Does It Cost To Become A Flight Instructor? Using satellite observations and reanalysis data, researchers from New York UniversityAbu Dhabi (NYUAD) have found that these ephemeral holes, known as polynyas, appear to be scars from cyclonic storms. Like elsewhere in the world, even in the early days of Antarctic aviation, aircraft completely transformed what explorers were able to achieve. "Given the link between polynya and cyclones we demonstrated in this study,"saysFrancis, "it is speculated that polynya events may become more frequent under warmer climate because these areas will be more exposed to more intense cyclones.". Scroll to continue reading. All of our flights to Antarctica also begin here. Always staying in communication with McMurdo for 2 weeks, our crew flew back to the field to find out if the scientists were okay with the supplies and if everything was okay in general. Flights from Cape Town International Airport (CPT) in South Africa operate through this project which uses a varied mix of air assets including Ilyushin Il-76s, C-130 Hercules and P-3 Orion. The discovery in 1996 of the diary that Byrd had kept on his famous flight seemed to suggest that he and Bennett may have turned back 150 miles short of the pole because of an oil leak. Very often we had discussions between the flight crews on the UFO bases at the South Pole and some crew members had heard from some of the scientists that in that area, where the air camouflage and the big hole is located, there are EBE (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) that work and interact with scientists. Each aircraft knew where the other plane was to carry out its flight plan. I wonder how much if any it ties with stories of fugitive German scientists and military establishing bases in one or both of the polar regions after WWII. Daily updates on UFO sightings, ghost encounters, conspiracies, mysterious phenomena and everything crazy and weird. He was finally rescued in a desperately sick condition in August 1934. Our operations in this frozen land began in late September and ended in late February of each year until the squadron was decommissioned in 1999. The current welcome offer on this card is quite lucrative. Our operations in this frozen land began in late September and ended in late February of each year until the squadron was decommissioned in 1999. What happened on that flight? Around 10 hours of this flight time would be spent flying directly over Antarctica. Wolfs Fang Runway is also capable of handling large airliners. In 1928, the bullet-shaped aircraft that Wilkins and his co-pilot Carl Ben Eielson flew was the cutting-edge craft of its day. "Surveying to reveal the location of valuable resources is banned by the treaty," says Felicity Aston. Brian claims that he is aware of a collaboration that still exists between humans and aliens and that Antarctica is an important location and field of research for these incredible collaborations. Earlier in the year, in another Vega, the two pilots had become the first to cross the Arctic Ocean from Alaska to Svalbard, Norway. This means that there are models for flight paths over the region which flight controllers can look to when they are planning or guiding an arctic flight. Simply put, flying over Antarctica just is not safe. I have been working with this squadron since 1983, then retired in March 1997. When it was necessary, this aircraft also visited other locations in Antarctica, such as the sea ice runway at Italian research station Zucchelli. This way, Admiral, motioned one. Flights depart from Punta Arenas Presidente Carlos Ibez del Campo International Airport (PUQ) in southern Chile and arrive at Teniente R. Marsh Airport (TNM), the northernmost airport in Antarctica. During his Arctic flight of 1,700 miles BEYOND the North Pole he reported by radio that he saw below him, not ice and snow, but land areas consisting of mountains, forests, green vegetation, lakes and rivers, and in the underbrush saw a strange animal resembling the mammoth.. Iam a direct descendent of Admiral Byrd. Each aircraft knew where the other plane was to carry out its flight plan. Apply and select your preferred metal Card design: classic Platinum Card, Platinum x Kehinde Wiley, or Platinum x Julie Mehretu. Even as an experienced pilot who has faced glaciers before, he still had struggles with the South Pole. Police soon determined that the killer was Andrew Cunanan, a 27-year-old man already wanted for read more, Ten years after the Nazis were defeated in World War II, West Germany formally joins the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a mutual defense group aimed at containing Soviet expansion in Europe. Brian, aged 60, graduated from Iowa college with the degree of Engineer with a specialization in aviation maintenance ecology and an aviation certificate. Thank you for your testimony and truthful coment. In the case of U.S. research stations, the U.S. Air Force plays a prominent role in flying out of New Zealand to support the U.S. Antarctic Program. A well-known scout for the army and a buffalo hunter for the railroads (which earned him his nickname), Cody had gained national read more, Following the ascension of I Wanna Hold Your Hand to #1 in early February, the Beatles held the top spot on the Billboard Hot 100 for three and a half solid monthslonger than any popular artist before or since. Typically, she is "flying survey lines" above a particular spot to investigate geophysics or atmospherics in that location, or on week-long trips to instrument sites in the "deep field" to download data, carry out repairs and set up new instruments. Their Lockheed Vega was designed by Jack Northrop, who later founded the Northrop Corporation, famous for the B-2 Stealth Bomber. Phoenix Runway, which was completed in 2016 to replace an older facility, is made of snow so tightly packed that it can withstand the landings of heavy-wheeled aircraft like the USAF Boeing C-17 Globemaster III. ", But, Nigel Watson. One of my hosts spoke again, We must now make haste, Admiral, as the Master desires to delay you no longer on your schedule timetable and you must return with his message to your race., Source: A Flight to the Land Beyond the North Pole; The Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd. It is this point that is particularly important. The airport's runway elevation is 6,451 feet and subject to the frequently changing weather that is associated with a mountainous airport. Then I was told to leave this area immediately and report to our squadron commander as soon as we returned to McMurdo. I would post the pictures if there was a way to post pictures. Uber Cash and Uber VIP status is available to Basic Card Member only. I belief 5th Cousin. Your recent war was only a prelude of what is yet to come for your race. From there, they conducted flights across the Antarctic continent and discovered much unknown territory. Richard Evelyn Byrd learned how to fly in the U.S. Navy and served as a pilot in World War I. On November 29, 2001, English musician and songwriter George Harrison dies at the age of 58. Two months later it had grown a stunning 740 percent larger, before once again retreating with the summer ice. Copyright 2010 - 2023 Soul:Ask | Unlock your Mind and Soul. But during an emergency, Brian tells of having entered the whole crew of the plane inside the. Mystery skulls 'found in Antarctica could be from aliens', John Kerry visited Antarctica to examine secret Nazi base'. Under warmer climates, previous research indicates that cyclone activity at Earth's poles will only intensify, and extratropical cyclones(aka mid-latitude cyclones) will move closer and closer to Antarctica. On 31 October 1956, the U.S. Navy did what many thought impossible, and landed a LC-47 Douglas Skytrainairplaneat the South Pole. Nevertheless, Byrds place in polar exploration is firmly set; in 1929, he established a U.S. base in Antarctica and late in the same year, accompanied by aviator Bernt Balchen, he made the undisputed first aircraft flight over the South Pole. Science has become the "currency" of the continent, and building infrastructure, like runways, keeps it flowing by allowing aircraft to continue to arrive.. "Antarctica runs by air," says Felicity Aston. Their expeditions paved the way to the demilitarised, environmentally protected, and science-led Antarctica we have today, even if it is, perhaps, not the one they wanted. My father insists that this story is a complete hoax. $200 Uber Cash: Enjoy Uber VIP status and up to $200 in Uber savings on rides or eats orders in the US annually. So, while it is still not recommended, Arctic flights are more common than Antarctic flights. This site does not include all credit card companies or all available credit card offers. There were other times when we saw things that were out of the ordinary. It operates a fleet of five bright red turboprop aircraft out of Rothera Air Facility, Havilland Twin Otters and Havilland Dash-7. Blood, a Parliamentarian during the English Civil War, was deprived of his estate in Ireland with the restoration of the read more, On May 9, 1978, the body of former Italian prime minister Aldo Moro is found, riddled by bullets, in the back of a car in the center of historic Rome. Desperately they cast their supplies out of the plane until, at the last minute, close to the ice wall, an updraft picked them up and threw them over the top. * Mark Piesing is the author of N-4 Down: The Search for the Arctic Airship Italia, the true story of the largest polar rescue mission in history. If so, Italian adventurer Umberto Nobile, American Lincoln Ellsworth, and Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen (who was in 1911 the first person to reach the South Pole by land) would receive the credit for their airship flight over the North Pole on May 12, 1926, three days after Byrd andBennett'sflight. The powers that be wont stop the madness and many seem to wish for war. By Chris Loh. All Rights Reserved. "Then assuming we can't find any, we use a technique called trailing ski to put sufficient weight on the skis to test to see how rough the surface is, but also to see if we're exposing any crevices that we couldn't see from the air. I turned once more before leaving and looked back toward the Master. B.T. Like Wolf's Fang Runway, specialized operators, such as Borek Air, fly people to other forward bases on ski-fitted DHC-6 Twin Otters and Baslers. However, some doubt lingered about whether they had actually flown over the North Pole, and in 1996 a diary Byrd had kept on the flight was found that seemed to suggest that the Josephine Ford had turned back 150 miles short of its goal because of an oil leak. We cant escape ! On May 9, 1926, the Josephine Ford left Spitsbergen, Norway, with Byrd as navigator and Floyd Bennet as pilot. In fact, these icy punctures can be downright important. Being a flight engineer, I was able to fly for more than 4000 hours in that capacity and saw things that most people cant even imagine. took off in a "sleek, shiny, bullet-shaped" high-wing monoplane. We are prisoners in this world and its upon us how we will leave it. In 1939, Byrd took command of the U.S. Antarctic Service at the request of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and led a third expedition to the continent. The Planet of the Apes (60s & 70s) was a true story kinda , only that the civilisation underground was a good one and we surface dwellers were the apes. Get $200 back in statement credits each year on prepaid Fine Hotels + Resorts or The Hotel Collection bookings, which requires a minimum two-night stay, through American Express Travel when you pay with your Platinum Card. Byrds were on My Mothers side. In the late 1920s, however, few suspected Byrd had failed in his mission. Byrd also knew that an Australian expedition led by Douglas Mawson was on its way to explore from the coastline around Enderby Land by air to claim it for Britain, and a Norwegian expedition was heading to roughly the same area, to use the same method. He speaks softly again, and conveys the following. Byrds first Antarctic expedition was the largest and best-equipped expedition that had ever set out for the southern continent. "Sometimes they wouldn't be, and suddenly you were flying over a whole mountain range when on the map there was a bit of text in the middle of a large, blank white area, that said, mountain spotted here in 1967.". High-Wing aircraft with short runway requirements, which means they are from there, they conducted flights across Antarctic! Who are slowly pushing the pilot flies into hole in antarctica to conflict sign-up to provide content in ways you 've consented to to! And best-equipped expedition that had ever set out for the B-2 Stealth Bomber yet to come for your race the! Them occurring more often is quite high right and the left to compensate any. Douglas Skytrainairplaneat the South Pole Nations over the Pole and then to the South.... What many thought impossible, and the risk of them occurring more often is lucrative... 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